MUA Executive Committee meeting Key Messages

1. The MUA Investment Committee changed the distribution of MUA investments, due to the continuing volatility in the markets. They continue to monitor the situation closely.

2. District RE Coordinator. we are pleased to announce that someone is considering this seriously – further details in the next Bits & Pieces.

3. The deadline for the Winter 2013 issue of MU Now is Thursday 21st November, and the theme is ‘Why I am a Unitarian’. All contributions to Rev. Sue Woolley please.

4. The MUA Annual General Meeting will be held atShrewsburyUnitarianChurch, on Saturday 29th March 2014 – please put the date in your diaries.

5. Rev. Winnie Gordon has been added to the roll of ministers, with probationary status. Our congratulations to her!

6. Planning of the ‘Celebrating Our Community‘ slot at the 2014 General Assembly meetings is moving forward, and a draft programme has been produced. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Rev. Sue Woolley or President Ash James.

7. Growth and Visibility: President Ash James has now produced a draft document for inclusion with the Winter issue of MU Now, as reported in the July Key Messages.

8. A new Growth and Visibility page will be added to the MUA website shortly.

9. MUA Annual Lunch: will be on Saturday 26th October, at Kingswood. Our Guest Speaker will be Dr. Taj Hargey, Director of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford. Please book by 18th October.

Ash James: tel: 01384 374007; e-mail:
Sue Woolley: tel: 01604 870746; e-mail: