Induction of Lay Pastor Kath Forder at Kidderminster

The afternoon of 1st October saw a joyous celebration at Unitarian New Meeting House, Kidderminster, as their new Lay Pastor, Kath Forder’s Induction Service took place. Many Unitarians had come to mark the occasion, from other MUA congregations, and from farther afield.

Led by Rev. Don Phillips of the Cotswold Group, with David Mearman of the Stourbridge congregation on the organ, it also included much participation by members of the Kidderminster congregation: President Ash James welcomed everyone to the service, Ian Kirby lit the chalice, Graham Williams led a responsive reading, using the words of James Luther Adams, Secretary Roger Mathews formally welcomed Kath to the congregation, and retiring minister emeritus Rev. Ann Latham shared some thoughts on ministry. The President of the General Assembly, Rev. Dr. Ann Peart brought greetings from the GA, and Rev. Alex Bradley, Principal at Unitarian College Manchester, led the congregation in prayer, and also shared some words on ministry. Following Kath’s welcome to the congregation by Roger Mathews, she then gave a short address, in which she paid tribute to the many folk who had taken part in her journey. The service was followed by tea and (delicious) cakes in the hall.

Kath Forder & mayor of Kidderminster
Kath Forder & mayor of Kidderminster
Kath Forder's Induction tea
Kath Forder’s Induction tea